Acute Wound Treatment
- Wash hands completely and thoroughly with soap as per proper procedure
- Dry hands and wear gloves (in case, in a home setting, you do not have gloves, be careful to keep your hands clear and wear gloves provided in the kit after opening)
- Carefully peel open sterile pouch
- Place the kit on trolley or flat surface with the side with the folds facing up
- Carefully open and unfold the cover drape with the kit placed on the trolley (do not pick up the kit while opening)
- Spread the cover drape on the trolley without moving the kit – the cover drape converts into a trolley drape covering the surface of the trolley
- Open the kit box and check the contents by placing them one by one on the trolley drape. Do not place the contents on any other surface as this will affect the sterility of the contents
- Wear gloves provided, if you have not worn gloves earlier
- Place the wound drape (blue sheet) under the area of the patients wound for protection and cleanliness of the wound area
- Use the contents of the kit to complete the dressing as guided by the doctor/nurse
- Place the used dressings and other waste on the trolley drape
- Remove gloves and clean hands with hand towel provided
- Fold the trolley drape with the used items inside and dispose in waste bag