:: Description
POP Bandage is a gauze bandage coated with plaster of Paris. The bandage comes wrapped around a plastic spool, which is designed to allow rapid and even wetting upon immersion. Once wet the bandage sets, forming a hard and rigid structure that is both porous and absorbent.
:: Composition
Plaster of Paris Bandage consists of a bleached, leno weave cotton gauze impregnated evenly with Calcium Sulphate which has been dehydrated to comprise of hemihydrates, with added adhesives and setting-time modifiers as per requirement. It is reasonably free from loose power.
POP Bandage less than 5 meters long is joint free. Bandages longer than 5 meters are manufactured using a medical grade adhesive and are not sewn together.
:: Indication
Pop bandage (orthopaedic bandage) is used as a cast material for immobilization of fractures, diseased bones and joints, correction of deformities and acute splinting. They are also used following surgery and orthopaedic corrections treating joint and bone conditions, thus aiding the healing process. For most Orthopaedic applications in which rigid immobilisation is required, including fresh or unstable fractures.