:: Description
A Roller bandage is a bandage consisting of a strip of sterile fabric (of variable width) rolled into a cylinder to facilitate application. A roller bandage is used to secure a dressing in place. There are two types of roller bandages: • An elastic roller bandage is used to apply support to a strain or sprain and is wrapped around the joint or limb many times.  • Cotton or linen roller bandages are used to cover gauze dressings.
:: Composition
Roller bandages are made from lightweight cotton, crepe or elasticised crepe, depending on the pressure to be achieved. A lightweight cotton bandage is used to hold a dressing in place, whereas a crepe or elasticised crepe bandage is used for applying support or firm pressure to a soft tissue injury.
:: Indication
Hold A Dressing In Place On A Wound
To Cover Wound
Maintain Pressure Over A Bulky Pad To Control Bleeding
Support An Injured Limb Or Joint
Apply Pressure To A Limb